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Hostbeat by Ruben Arrebola

Hostbeat App

Monitor PCs & Macs remotely. Get alerts when they go offline. All from your phone.

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App Rating One Star App Rating Two Stars App Rating Three Stars App Rating Four Stars App Rating Five Stars
5 out of 5

Step by step, starting with my own initiative and friends feedback.

App running on a phone


  • Stay informed

    Check computer status from your phone anywhere to see if it's online.

  • Never miss an outage

    Get alerts on your phone when a computer goes off.

  • Continuous development

    I develop, improve and maintain the platform constantly so that it has the fewest possible errors and top features.

  • Easy Setup

    Download the app and create a host. Install the hostbeat client on your computer and send a heartbeat with the host token.

  • User Friendly Design

    Cupertino app style, most user friendly for Apple users but also attractive for Android ones. Widgets, gestures, dark mode and many more...

  • Open Source Client

    Open-source client for transparency. See exactly what data gets sent to our servers.

And many more features coming, stay tuned...

Hostbeat works across major operating systems

The client is open source and is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS

Command-Line Client

Windows 10/11 Client

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Requires Hostbeat App.

Hostbeat App logo Hostbeat
  • Monitor PCs & Macs remotely. Get alerts when they go offline. All from your phone.
  • Hostbeat App v1.1.0
  • Hostbeat CLI Client v1.0.0
  • Hostbeat Windows 10/11 Client v1.2.2

catalonia flag

Made in Barcelona.

© Ruben Arrebola. All rights reserved.

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